Sometimes it rains on your plans–especially in the rain forest 🙂

Well, it hasn’t done much but rain during our two night stay in the jungle, so all I’ve been doing is reading and eating pad thai – which is kind of nice, but I’ll be good and ready for a serious kayaking session if the rain ever stops!

During dinner, the power went out and we were told it probably wouldn’t come back on tonight. Fortunately, wifi came back on with the generator and I was able to download a book and a flashlight app (why doesn’t this come standard on the iPhone?) before heading back to my bungalow.

So, I have to say, walking to my bungalow – alone, in the dark, in the rain, through water to my shins, with the sounds of the jungle all around me – was kind of creepy! Thank goodness the hotel staff assured me if my room needed to be evacuated during the night, they would wake me up.

As I entered my bungalow bathroom to hose off my feet, and saw a cockroach scurry across the title floor, I just said, “eh, you’re the least of my worries” and promptly found my way under the mosquito netting to try and sleep a bit. Oh, if only mosquito netting kept out centipedes…

Khao Sok National Park, Thailand, 2013-June

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